Why is the great wall of China was built

According to foreign news agency reports of the great wall of China and historical pieces are cut and there are many parts can collapse with a rainfall. According to the newspaper, the process of aging of the wall free of natural disasters too fast. According to experts, if the current situation were to improve in the coming years, not the wall of China could carry more parts. One of the largest in the world with human hands.

China wall construction and its length is approximately five thousand kilometers. Beginning of the construction of the great wall of China, one of the seven wondars the world about two thousand years ago was started. China first, King would have put the construction of this wall to protect the country from enemies.

At the top of the wall, 25 thousand posts. With the help of those attackers post-menopausal women Can be seen. In 1987 the great wall of China and the UNESCO World Heritage list. The great wall of China and about many things legendary are famous. The only thing on earth that it claimed many people  from the gap. Some people also claim that this photo taken. Every year, millions of tourists from around the world to view the clips from human hands, ajobe of China's direction.

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